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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Difficult Questions And Intelligent Answers for Interview

Difficult Questions And Intelligent Answers

Difficult Questions And Intelligent Answers for Interview :

Question and the Answers collected from the Candidates ohh sorry, most of them are IAS Officers now.
Q.How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
A.Concrete floors are very hard to crack! (UPSC Topper)
Q.If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?
A. No time at all it is already built. (UPSC 23 Rank Opted for IFS)
Q.If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?
A. Very large hands..(Good one) (UPSC 11 Rank Opted for IPS)
Q.. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
A. It is not a problem, since you will never find! an elephant with one hand. (UPSC Rank 14 Opted for IES)
Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
A. No Probs , He sleeps at night. (UPSC IAS Rank 98)
Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?
A. It will Wet or Sink as simple as that. (UPSC IAS Rank 2)
Q. What looks like half apple ?
A : The other half. (UPSC - IAS Topper )
Q. What can you never eat for breakfast ?
A : Dinner.
Q. What happened when wheel was invented ?
A : It caused a revolution.
Q.. Bay of Bengal is in which state?
A : Liquid (UPSC 33Rank )
Q. How many buckets of water does Pacific Ocean contains?
A : It depends on the size of the bucket. (CA Institute Campus Interview Placement)
Interviewer said 'I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!' The boy thought for a while and said, 'my choice is one really difficult question.'
'Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this. 'What comes first, Day or Night?'
The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on his answer, but he thought for a while and said, 'It's the DAY sir!'
'How' the interviewer asked,
'Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!'
He was selected for IIM!

What are Your Major Weaknesses In interview

What Are Your Major Weaknesses

What Are Your Major Weaknesses For Interview :

One of the trickier questions an interviewer might put to you is "what are your major weaknesses?"
What are you meant to say? If you list all your weaknesses, aren't you just giving the interviewer reasons to think that you aren't up to the job?
If you read most other interview advice guides, they will say that you should list some weaknesses that are just as much strengths. Things like "I am a perfectionist" or "I work too hard".
But these responses are JUST PLAIN WRONG. Let me explain why.
In fact, I'll let you in on a secret. It is my job as an interviewer to form my own opinion on what your strengths and weaknesses are and I will do so without you needing to tell me! But, if I DO ask you "what are your major weaknesses?" then I will be looking for three key things:
  1. Self awareness
  2. Awareness of your impact on others
  3. Self development
So work out what your weaknesses are, and package them with the following three steps to make your interviewer know that you are the right person for the job!

1. Self awareness

As an interviewer, I want to see that you are aware how your 'weakness' really is a weakness. Illustrate with examples where you can.

2. Awareness of your impact on others

Your weakness may also impacting others in a negative way, so it is good to show that you are aware of how your behaviour rubs off on other people.
(By the way, strong candidates, especially in an environment where teamwork is important, will ALWAYS be demonstrating that they are aware of their impact on others.)
Okay, so now you're showing that you're really on top of this weakness, and that you're not trying to show it off as some kind of strength.
Now it's time to go in for the kill! I will be putty in your hands if you go on to step 3!!

Step 3. Self development

Finishing your response off in this way will truly show that you understand that you have a weakness and THAT YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!
Remember, everyone has weaknesses. They are not something to be hidden, but something to be FIXED. So show your interviewer that you have set about FIXING your weaknesses. Again, examples are useful.
So, now do you see how you should REALLY be answering the 'weakness' question?
Follow the three steps above, and your interviewer will know that they are talking to a high quality candidate who will continue to grow and flourish in their company.

Improve Your Self Confidence in 15 minutes

Improve Your Self Confidence in 15 Minutes

Improve your Self Confidence in 15 Minutes

Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident. Firstly, it's important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won't know when you've got it! So, self confidence means:
1. Being calm : For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional 'leakage' into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.
2. Being cool : The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be 'cool' in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.
3. Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That's how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I've long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I've turned out to be wrong.
4. Being specific - where do you want confidence? 'Confidence' is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don't need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.
5. Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you've tried to recall someone's name but can't, hours later you'll often find their name pops into your head.
The 'trying to recall' experience set the task or blueprint for your brain's future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you - when you weren't thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.
6. Don't task your mind with negatives. Instead of: 'I don't want to screw up' (which sets the task of 'screwing up' for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn't work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.
7. Use nature's goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for you brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly 'program' the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed hypnotic state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.
3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:
1. Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember 'confidence' doesn't mean anything until you attach it to something specific.
2. Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as 'calm', 'relaxed' or 'focused'. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.
3. Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or 'task' for your unconscious mind.
You can repeat this often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. If you listen to a hypnotic cd or download that can make the benefits even more powerful. So if you feel like you'd be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.

Tips To Improve Your Listening Skills

Tips To Improve Your Listening Skills

Tips To Improve Your Listening Skills

Etiquette and polish, both in personal and business settings, are linked to how well we communicate.

Most people think communication is all about speaking and devalue the importance of listening. And many others don't realise what a vast difference there is between simply hearing what is being said and really listening.
People who know how to listen learn more, care more, and end up being the ones we want to be around socially as well as professionally.
Want to improve your listening skills?
Understand why you need to listen and remember to practise these tips the next time you conduct a conversation.

Are your eyes listening?

Your eyes are a dead giveaway if you are not listening. When your mind wanders and you begin thinking of something or someone else, your eyes show your disinterest. And the person speaking to you is well aware that you are not paying attention. And this is true even if you don't look away. Blank stares don't conceal boredom!

How can you know if you are a bad listener?
A good listener uses his/ her eyes and mind while listening.
If you find yourself already formulating your next sentence in your mind while someone is speaking to you, you are doing injustice to the conversation. You will get more out of the conversation if you understand, comprehend and assimilate what is being said BEFORE responding.
Good etiquette = listening!

Do you make these common listening mistakes?

The difference between being a good listener versus a great listener is using your heart in addition to your eyes and mind while listening.
Do you do this?
  • If a friend tells you something is wrong, you immediately tend to give advice or criticism.
  • If a friend tells you about something wonderful that has happened, you usually chip in with something similar that you have experienced.
Rarely do we share joy or sympathise with pain. Rarely do we just let others speak. To improve your listening skills, practise with those closest to you. When family members or friends share their thoughts and feelings, curtail the urge to relate what you hear to one of your own.

What if a conversation bores you?

I believe 'interested people are interesting'.
Similarly, 'boring people get bored'.
You don't need to know a lot about a subject to have a conversation. You just need to have a desire to learn, understand and make things interesting.
For example, if someone tells you they are a teacher, instead of saying, "That's nice," and moving on to the next topic, try to find out why they are teaching, how they decided on this profession and what their current thoughts on teaching are.
Dig deep and create meaningful conversations.

How do I get others to listen to me?

  1. Listen more intently, question more, and speak with emotion. Build interesting conversations instead of one-way lectures.
  2. Engage people while you speak. Ask questions like, "What do you think?" or "Do you agree?"

    Try not to speak continuously for long periods. People tend to have short attention spans.
  3. When you do not listen to what others are saying and only care to listen to your own voice, this is an indication that you really do not care for other people's opinions.
Think about who you really enjoy being around, at work or in your personal life. Usually it is those who really listen and care about you. Are you listening?
"We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge. People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

Tips On Impressive Resume Writing

Tips On Impressive Resume Writing

Tips On Impressive Resume Writing

The following are some tips on writing your resume and effective interviewing that may help you in the job-seeking and placement process.

Resume Writing Tips

An effective resume provides concise, factual, and positive information about you to help employers decide whether you are the best candidate. It is your marketing tool to assist in selling your talents to a prospective employer. Since it remains after your interview is over, it reminds the employer about your background.
It should be limited to one to two pages and summarize your experience, skills, and education to highlight your qualifications for employment.
Your resume should say:
  • Who you are
  • What you know and have done
  • What kind of work you want
  • Why you should be hired
cover letter should accompany your resume, because it serves to focus the aspects of your experience and education that are directly applicable to the job. A cover letter may demonstrate your attitude, work ethic, and written communication skills. A well-written cover letter and resume can play a major role in establishing your candidacy and increasing the likelihood you will be called for an interview.
Your work history should include the name of each employer, your job title, employment dates, and a brief description of your duties and responsibilities, as well as relevant achievements and specials skills, including military experience.
List, if appropriate to your field of work, memberships in professional organizations, knowledge of foreign languages, articles published, inventions or patents, and skills such as typing or computer software knowledge. Avoid religious or political affiliations. 
In citing your educational background, don’t provide details (like a listing of major courses) unless the job requires it, your work experience is limited, or you did not graduate but want to show you have taken courses related to your occupation. If you want to emphasize your education, place it before your work history; otherwise, you should place it after your work history. 
  • List all conferred degrees, starting with the highest. If you have not received a degree but have attended college, you may list the total number of hours completed. Give the name and location of the college, degree(s) conferred, and major field(s) of study.
  • Include job-related extracurricular activities and significant scholastic honors.
  • Include any other pertinent education, such as vocational, professional, or military schools. List professional licenses or certificates.   
Do not list references on your resume. Simply include a statement, such as “References available upon request,” at the bottom of your resume. Have a separate sheet listing your references and bring this to an interview. Notify your references if it appears you are being seriously considered for a position. It is a good idea to send copies of your resume to the references you plan to use.
Carefully consider the language and format of your resumeLimit the length of your resume by using concise phrasing rather than complete sentences. You should convey a positive tone and use strong action verbs to describe job-related responsibilities and accomplishments. A few examples of action verbs are: instructed, demonstrated, performed, planned, motivated, increased, trained, solved.
  • Make your resume easy to read and scan; use white space to make text stand out.
  • Use serif fonts (Times New Roman or Ariel), type size 10.5 or 11.
  • Avoid using “I” statements; instead begin sentences or phrases with action verbs.
  • Devote more space to recent jobs than to earlier ones.
  • Write out all numbers from one to nine; use numerals for 10-999,999.
  • Write your name and phone number on each page (in case pages get separated).
  • Do not misrepresent or exaggerate your experience.
  • Do not use abbreviations or jargon, either professional or technical, unless it is relevant to the position and all readers will be sure to understand the terms.
  • Do not include a snapshot.
  • Be aware of information or dates that could be used to screen you out of consideration.
Neatness definitely counts, so be consistent with the layout- - pay attention to the arrangement of headings, captions, use of capitals, underscoring, and fonts. Lead your reader’s eye through points with headings, bullets, bold type, and white space. Of course, check for typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Be critical - - have at least one other person proofread and review your resume.

Most Important Basic Resume Tips..

Most Important Basic Resume Tips

Most Important Basic Resume Tips :

Allways Follow These Basic Standards....

  • Don't overcrowd your resume; allow for plenty of white space.
  • Keep your resume to one page whenever possible.
  • Keep the number of fonts you use to a minimum -- two at the most.
  • Use a font that is easy to read. Times Roman works well.
  • Do not justify the lines of type on your resume. Allow the right side of the page to "rag."
  • Do not overuse capitalization, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features.
  • Make sure your name, address, and a phone number appear on your resume and all correspondence, preferably at the top of the page.
  • Print your resume on white or cream paper using a good-quality printer.
  • Second- and third-generation photocopies must be avoided
  • Print on one side of the paper only.

Avoid Mistakes :

To avoid spelling mistakes:
  • Don't use words with which you aren't familiar.
  • Use a dictionary as you write.
  • Perform a spell check on your finished resume.
  • Carefully read every word in your resume.
  • Have a friend or two proof read your resume for you.

Things to look for :
  • Periods at the end of all full sentences.
  • Be consistent in your use of punctuation.
  • Always put periods and commas within quotation marks.
  • Avoid using exclamation points.
Grammar hang-ups to watch for:
  • The duties you currently perform should be in present tense (i.e., write reports)
  • Duties you may have performed at past jobs should be in past tense (i.e., wrote reports).
  • Capitalize all proper nouns.
  • When expressing numbers, write out all numbers between one and nine (i.e., one, five, seven), but
  • use numerals for all numbers 10 and above (i.e., 10, 25, 108).
  • If you begin a sentence with a numeral, spell out that numeral (e.g. Eleven service awards won while employed.).
  • Make sure your date formats are consistent (i.e.11/22/01 or Nov. 22, 2001, or 11.22.01. Choose one and stick with it.).
Choose Your Words Carefully :
Phrase yourself well:
  • Be on the lookout for the following easily confused words:
  • accept (to receive), except (to exclude)
  • all right (correct), alright (this is not a word)
  • affect (to bring about change), effect (result)
  • personal (private), personnel (staff members)
  • role (a character assigned or a function), roll (to revolve).
  • Use action words (i.e., wrote reports, increased revenues, directed staff).


In most instances it is not necessary to include names and address of references on the resume. If you include a reference, make it sure that the referenced person knows very well about you. It is also advisable to add the persons as references, whom the employer can contact easily. If possible add the phone number and e-mail ID of the reference. Never add a person as a reference, about whom you know nothing


Employers have a busy schedule, so don't expect them to read through a long resume. Ideally, resumes should be of one page, or of two pages only if absolutely necessary, to describe relevant work experience.


Use of language is extremely important; you need to sell yourself to an employer quickly and efficiently. Address your potential employer's needs with a clearly written, compelling resume. Avoid large paragraphs (five or six lines). If you provide small, digestible pieces of information, your resume will be read. Use action verbs. Verbs such as "developed", "managed", and "designed" emphasise your accomplishments. Don't use declarative sentences like "I developed the ..." or "I assisted in ...", leave out the "I". Avoid passive constructions, such as "was responsible for managing". Just say, "managed": that sounds stronger and more active.


Employers need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for them. Don't be vague. Telling someone that you "improved the company's efficiency" doesn't say much. But if you say that you "cut overhead costs by 20 per cent and saved the company Rs 20 lakh during the last fiscal year", you are more specific.


Employers will feel more comfortable hiring you if they can verify your accomplishments. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. A falsified resume can cost you the job later.


Check your resume for correct grammar and spelling - evidence of good communication skills and attention to detail. Nothing can ruin your chances of getting a job faster than submitting a resume filled with preventable mistakes. Make your resume easy on the eye. Use normal margins (1" on the top and bottom, 1.25" on the sides) and don't cram your text on the page. Allow for some space between the different sections. Avoid unusual or exotic fonts. Preferred fonts: Arial and Times Roman.

Tips For Technical Interviews

Tips For Technical Interview :

        Here is our List of Tips for Scoring well in  Technical Interviews..

1.) Knowledge of programming is very important. Sometimes at your interview you will be given a programming “quiz” where you will have to answer a short test on a language such as Java, for example:
  • “What is the most basic element of a java program?” i.e. a class
  • “What do RMI / JDBC / RPC stand for? What are they used for?”
  • “Explain what an interface is in Java, and what it is used for.”
Revision of Computer Programming I and II modules would be perfect material to prepare for this.
2.) You could also be asked to do a problem solving exercise where you’ll be given a problem and you have to write out a solution on a whiteboard or on paper and show the interview panel your answer. The key to doing this successfully is not to panic and to make sure the panel know your logic behind how you come to your solution.
Another recommendation would be for students to practice their problem solving skills even in pseudo code as the other key part of an interview could consist of a problem which required a solution to be drawn out on a white board. This sounds like quite a daunting prospect but as long as you talk the interviewers through what you are thinking and do not rush it all will be good.
3.) It is important that you appear outgoing and friendly and stress team-working skills and give a history of group projects completed at Queen's.
4.) You might also be asked general questions such as:
  • “How do you cope with difficult workloads?”
  • “Name a difficult situation you've experienced and how you cope with it.”
  • “How do you resolve a difference of opinion with a superior?”
5.) Browse throw some of the site listing Technical interview Question and answers like or
6.) Testing questions:
You have a whiteboard, and are given a question along the lines of

"You have a method that checks if a triangle is scalene. It takes as parameters three integers representing the sizes of the sides. What inputs would you use as tests for this method?"
So you've to write down what inputs you would try to determine if the method worked 100% correctly, and for each state what output you would expect. So you have to put in sizes that are valid, sizes where the triangle is equilateral, sizes where it can not be a triangle (e.g. 5000, 1, 1), negative integers.
7.) Programming Questions:
You could be given a matrix (2d array) of letters, and had to write on the whiteboard, as close to java as possible, a method that would search through that matrix for a given word.
e.g.    Search for DOG in the following
So you are writing a method like findWord (char[][] letterMatrix, String
wordToFind) { ...
Another question might be to write a method that checked if a word was a palindrome.
8.) If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t try and bluff your way through it because you’ll be caught out in the end. Admit that you don’t know or that you haven’t covered it yet in your course, it’s alright to not know the answer to everything.
9.) At the end of your interview it helps to ask questions and to seem genuinely interested in working at the company. Of course, don’t act interested if you’re not actually interested! There’s no point trying to get a place in a job you won’t enjoy and somebody else would have benefited from. Research the company beforehand and have a list of questions you would like answered.
    • What languages they used?
    • What IDE's they used?
    • What sort of work I should be expecting?
    • What the social life was like at the company?
    All the Best to all you guys there. We hope these tips will help you in Interview.

Telephone Interview Tips

Telephone Interview Tips

Telephone Interview Tips

Telephone screening interviews are becoming more commonplace as companies seek to cut hiring costs and streamline the selection process.
Phone interviewing is unique. You can't count on visual stimuli such as good looks or power suits, eye contact or body language, to aid your presentation. Neither can you rely on visual signals to interpret the interviewer's response. In this context, faceless conversation takes on an added dimension of importance. Both strengths and weaknesses, as conveyed by voice, are magnified through the phone. Your voice personifies everything about you.
Before the Telephonic Interview :
If you're currently employed, arrange for a phone interview in the evening rather than during the workday. Confidentiality and discretion may be at risk if you interview during working hours; you never know who might barge into your office unannounced or overhear something by accident. In the privacy of your home, you can be more at ease and in control of your surroundings. You should always make sure you will not be interrupted.
Before the actual interview, it will help to know the topics to be covered, objectives to attain and the basic information regarding the position to be discussed.
It's also advisable to prepare for possible scenarios that might unfold. Hypothesize a bit; suppose the interviewer asks questions that make you feel uncomfortable.  Answer these and any questions as briefly and directly as possible without being negative. Offer a positive "mini story" about yourself and your accomplishments.
The worst case scenario would be that the interviewer would not call at the agreed time. In this case do not call the interviewer, call your recruiter so that he/she can investigate the situation and get back to you with another interview date and time.

Some questions the employer might ask:

  • Why do you want to leave your present company?
    Answer as truthfully as possible without being negative about your current company. 
    If it's for a better opportunity, state this and why.
  • What can you bring to us that we don't have now?
    Answer affirmatively, such as you know you can increase sales or production.
    • How many positions have you held?
      State the number that is on your resume or data sheet.
    • What do you know about our company?
      Do your research and mention at least two or three positive things that you've learned.
    • Why do you think you would fit into our company?
      Based on what I have learned about your company so far, it sounds like it would be a very comfortable and profitable transition.                                                                        

    Keep the following tools handy to aid you in gathering information and facts:
    • A copy of the version of the resume sent to the interviewer.
    • A note pad and pen.
    • Five or six carefully worded questions you'll want to ask.
    • Company literature with pertinent information highlighted.
    • A calendar.
    • A watch or clock.

Keep the following tools handy to aid you in gathering information and facts:
  • A copy of the version of the resume sent to the interviewer.
  • A note pad and pen.
  • Five or six carefully worded questions you'll want to ask.
  • Company literature with pertinent information highlighted.
  • A calendar.
  • A watch or clock.

Phone Personality:

The telephone screening interview is a make-or-break proposition, your one chance to convince the interviewer that you are worth serious consideration.
Voice reflects personality. A well-modulated, controlled voice communicates authority and heightens the verbal impact you want to make. The quality, pitch and tempo of your speech convey a certain attitude, energy level and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and excitement are the biggest selling points a candidate can use when talking on the phone.
Talk directly into the mouthpiece.  Hold the receiver approximately three inches from the mouth, not below your chin or above your nose. Speak in a relaxed, conversational style, as you would talk to someone in person.
Avoid grasping the phone in a vise-like grip. This will add a note of stress, and your voice will communicate that uneasiness.Getting up and moving around introduces an element of action, which instills a relaxed, conversational manner and reduces fatigue.
Pay attention to the interviewer’s voice patterns.  Does he/she speak slowly or rapidly? Try to match the cadence so that the conversation flows smoothly.  The average person speaks at a rate of 160 words per minute. Adjust your speaking rate, voice volume and phrasing to be more in rhythm with the interviewer.
Be a conversationalist.  Listen carefully to get the big picture and to avoid saying something that indicates any momentary mental distraction. Allow the interviewer to complete questions. Do not finish his/her sentences or blurt out answers prematurely.
Handle any trick questions in stride.  The interviewer may throw in several to test your alertness or mental keenness. Showing verbal adeptness is a sign of how quickly you can "think on your feet." Be cautious: the interviewer may say something that puzzles you or that you firmly disagree with. Show enough respect to voice your thoughts in a professional manner. A defensive posture or argumentative tone is the surest way to alienate the interviewer and eliminate your candidacy.

A Final Concern:

The interviewer may ask you what salary range you're expecting, but don't introduce this subject yourself. It's best to mention that at this point you are not altogether certain what the job is really worth. Example: "I would feel more comfortable discussing a salary figure after meeting the key people I would be working with and knowing more about the position." If the interviewer continues to pressure you for a figure, specifically ask, "What salary range are you working within?" Chances are 50/50 that he/she will tell you.
Respond by indicating that your desired salary is in that range (if that is correct). If the dollars are a little low, don't despair or defend what you feel you are worth. Tell the interviewer you’d like to discuss this with your MRI recruiter before committing yourself.
As the conversation winds down, become less talkative and give more thought to what you say. Your final words will generally have greater impact and be remembered longer. Careful word choice and voice inflections will under-score the significance of your remarks.

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